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Care Instructions

Post procedure instructions and what to expect

After Tooth Extraction / Removal


Following the removal of a tooth, some bleeding will be expected.

  • Applying pressure to the area by biting on a gauze compression pack will help to stop the bleeding. You will be provided with a care package following your extraction containing gauze.
  • It is not uncommon for some oozing of blood over the first 24 hours.
  • You can also substitute gauze with a moist tea bag (black tea works well) which has tannic acids that help with the clotting effect.


You will be numbed for the dental extraction procedure. As the anesthetic wears off after 2-3 hours, you may begin to feel some soreness or pain from the area we worked on.

  • Please take painkillers according to instructions. In most instances, over-the-counter medication is sufficient to relieve post-operative pain.


Generally, avoid contaminating the site as much as reasonably possible.

  • Try to keep your fingers and tongue away from the area to prevent pushing anything into the area.
  • For the first few days avoid the eating anything you need to chew.
  • For the first 24 hours, avoid brushing this area, afterwards you can brush the neighbouring teeth very gently.
  • Avoid rinsing for the first 24 hours, then to keep the area clean, rinse with a saltwater solution of 1 tsp of salt in 1 cup of warm water. Gently rinse following every meal for 30s and spit.
  • Your dentist may decide to prescribe antibiotics in certain circumstances, please take them according to instructions.


While most extractions do not result in any swelling, it can happen with more difficult extractions.

  • To reduce swelling, place an ice pack on the outside of the face next to the extraction site for 20 minutes, then remove it for 20 minutes, and repeat.
  • After 24 hours, the ice pack should be switched to a warm compress.

Dry Socket

Following an extraction, a blood clot will form in the tooth socket which is important for healing. If the blood clot is lost prematurely, this can lead to a condition known as dry socket.

  • This condition can be potentially painful and is typically treated by placing a sedative dressing on the affected area. The site will eventually heal, although it may take longer.
  • To prevent dry socket, it is very important that you are very gentle with the area.
  • Avoid any foods that are hot, acidic, alcoholic as they can dissolve the blood clot
  • Avoid smoking for at least 24 hours after the extraction

After a Filling

In most instances, you will be receiving freezing (local anesthetic or novocaine) during the procedure. You will remain numb for an average of 2-3 hours after administration. It is important that you do not chew anything until sensation returns to normal because you could bite yourself without feeling it. After the freezing wears off, you can use the area like normal.

It is normal to feel some soreness and sensitivity in the area for the first 2 weeks. This is because some of the equipment and materials can temporarily cause irritation to the gums and teeth. A saltwater rinse of 1 tsp of salt in 1 cup of warm water can be used to relieve the gums.

After a Root Canal

For the first 3 days following a root canal, do expect some soreness of the area. Over-the-counter analgesics is typically sufficient to provide relief. Occasionally, your dentist may prescribe antibiotics, please take them as instructed.

After Dentures

New dentures are like getting new shoes, it will take some time to get used to them. It is not uncommon that adjustments need to be made after you receive them. The dentures may rub on the gums and cause sores. These sites can be adjusted on the denture easily. If you require adjustments, please wear your dentures for at least 24 hours before your appointment. This will allow us to see where the sore spots are, so we can adjust accordingly.

After Crown/Bridge

After your first crown appointment, you will be receiving a temporary crown. The temporary crown is made of a softer material and cemented with a weaker temporary cement so it can be removed easily at your next appointment. Temporary crowns are worn until the lab finishes making your permanent crown, this typically takes 1-2 weeks. During this period, you must be careful with the temporary crown to avoid breaking it, or pulling it off:

  • try to chew with your other side
  • when flossing, instead of pulling the floss straight up, feed it out through the side
  • if you need to eat with the temporary crown, try to avoid very hard or sticky foods

If the temporary crown breaks or comes off, please call our office as soon as possible. Temporary crowns are important to maintain the spaces for the permanent crown. Without it, the teeth can shift and the permanent crown may not fit.

At your second appointment, the temporary crown will be removed, and the permanent crown will be cemented with a strong cement. This cement takes 24 hours to fully set, so please care for it as you would your temporary crown for this duration. Just like a filling, there may be sensitivity from the area for up to 2 weeks.

Visit our Clinic

Located in Coquitlam, on the corner of Ridgeway Ave and Marmont St, our clinic is accessible and close to family neighbourhoods with onsite parking.

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1070 Ridgeway Ave #200,
Coquitlam, BC V3J 1S7

Hours of Operation

Monday9 a.m.–6 p.m.
Tuesday9 a.m.–6 p.m.
Wednesday10 a.m.–7 p.m.
Thursday9 a.m.–6 p.m.
Friday8 a.m.–4 p.m.
SaturdayOnce a month, please call for exact dates 9 a.m.–5 p.m

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